How do I dig the post holes?

setting-chain-link-posts-3.gifBased on terrain (slope) and access, you will need to decide if you can use a mechanical auger or skidsteer.  Though a skidsteer is always a benefit in reducing labor, it may not be the safest application. 

When digging the posts holes, it is important that you keep your auger vertical (plumb) to assure that the holes are not dug at an angle.  This will prove to be critical when placing the posts. If dug at an angle, you will be unable to keep the posts on the string because the bottom of the post hits the side of your incorrectly and angled hole.  Thus, you will have to hand-dig the hole to accommodate the post.

To avoid this from happening, have a spotter inform you with use of hand signals as to moving left to right and forward and back.  Over time, you will become comfortable with digging with this equipment that you can identify the pitch of the auger and make these adjustments yourself. 

Check the depth of your holes each time you dig or mark your auger to the proper depth.  Be cautious of dirt falling back into the hole after digging.  This will cause unnecessary hand digging. 


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