Every fence project—large and small—involves sealing off all remaining gaps between the fabric and the framework. Not doing so leaves opportunities for intruders to crawl through. When it comes to small fences, such as those for gardens, chicken coops, etc., this primarily means animals. Whether intended to prevent pets from crawling out of their designated homes or to keep rodents out of your garden, you need to verify the fence is foolproof at all points. Easy to install and abundant in number, these galvanized hog rings make the job simple. All you need are the rings and a pair of pliers. To install, hold the fence fabric against the frame you want to secure it to. Now, place a single hog ring in the open mouth of your pliers. Close the pliers to “pinch” the hog ring around the frame and fabric. These rings are fabricated from 9 gauge steel, meaning animals will face difficulty chewing through, and human intruders can’t easily remove them. What’s more, they’ve been galvanized for rust resistance: a must for all outdoor fencing. This product contains about 125 hog rings, with a total weight of one pound.